Passing Plain Strings as Arguments to Commands in Bash Scripts: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Passing Plain Strings as Arguments to Commands in Bash Scripts: A Step-by-Step Guide

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When working with bash scripts, one of the most common tasks is to pass arguments to commands. However, passing plain strings as arguments can be a bit tricky, especially for beginners. In this article, we’ll explore the different ways to pass plain strings as arguments to commands in bash scripts, and provide clear instructions and explanations to help you master this essential skill.

What is a Plain String?

A plain string is a sequence of characters that is not interpreted by the shell. In other words, it’s a string that doesn’t contain any special characters or syntax that the shell would interpret as commands or variables. For example, the string “hello world” is a plain string because it doesn’t contain any special characters or syntax.

Why Pass Plain Strings as Arguments?

Passing plain strings as arguments to commands is useful in a variety of scenarios. For example, you might want to:

  • Pass a filename or directory path to a command
  • Specify a search pattern or regular expression to a command
  • Provide a list of options or flags to a command
  • Pass a message or text to a command for processing

Methods for Passing Plain Strings as Arguments

There are several ways to pass plain strings as arguments to commands in bash scripts. Here are some of the most common methods:

Method 1: Using Double Quotes

One of the simplest ways to pass a plain string as an argument is to use double quotes. Double quotes allow you to enclose the string within quotes, which tells the shell to treat the entire string as a single argument.

command "hello world"

In this example, the string “hello world” is passed as a single argument to the command.

Method 2: Using Single Quotes

Single quotes work similarly to double quotes, but they have one important difference: single quotes don’t allow variable expansion. This means that if you have a variable inside single quotes, it won’t be expanded.

command '$var world'

In this example, the variable $var is not expanded within the single quotes, so the command receives the literal string “$var world” as an argument.

Method 3: Using the `echo` Command

The `echo` command can be used to pass a plain string as an argument to a command. This method is useful when you need to pass a string that contains special characters or syntax.

echo "hello world" | command

In this example, the `echo` command outputs the string “hello world”, which is then piped to the command as an argument.

Best Practices for Passing Plain Strings as Arguments

When passing plain strings as arguments to commands, it’s essential to follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls and errors. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use quotes or escaping to prevent word-splitting: Without quotes or escaping, the shell will split the string into multiple arguments based on whitespace characters. To avoid this, use double quotes, single quotes, or escaping to keep the string together.
  2. Avoid using backslashes for escaping: While backslashes can be used to escape special characters, they can make the code harder to read and maintain. Instead, use quotes or other methods to pass plain strings as arguments.
  3. Be mindful of variable expansion: When using double quotes, be aware that variable expansion will occur. If you don’t want variable expansion to occur, use single quotes or other methods.
  4. Test your scripts thoroughly: Make sure to test your scripts with different input scenarios to ensure that they work correctly and don’t produce unexpected results.

Common Pitfalls and Errors

Passing plain strings as arguments to commands can lead to common pitfalls and errors, such as:

Error Description
Word-splitting The shell splits the string into multiple arguments based on whitespace characters.
Variable expansion Variables are expanded within the string, leading to unexpected results.
Special character interpretation Special characters, such as spaces or quotes, are interpreted by the shell, leading to errors.
CommandLine too long The length of the command line exceeds the maximum allowed length, leading to errors.


Passing plain strings as arguments to commands in bash scripts can be a bit tricky, but by following the methods and best practices outlined in this article, you can master this essential skill. Remember to use quotes or escaping to prevent word-splitting, avoid using backslashes for escaping, be mindful of variable expansion, and test your scripts thoroughly. With practice and experience, you’ll become proficient in passing plain strings as arguments to commands in bash scripts.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on passing plain strings as arguments to commands, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck on passing a plain string as an argument to a command in a bash script? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

How to pass a plain string as an argument to a command in a bash script?

You can pass a plain string as an argument to a command in a bash script by enclosing the string in quotes. For example, if you want to pass the string “hello world” as an argument to the `echo` command, you can do it like this: `echo “hello world”`. The quotes ensure that the string is treated as a single argument, rather than being split into separate words.

What happens if I don’t enclose the string in quotes?

If you don’t enclose the string in quotes, the shell will perform word splitting and globbing on the string. For example, if you do `echo hello world`, the shell will treat “hello” and “world” as separate arguments, rather than a single string. This can lead to unexpected behavior and errors in your script.

Can I use single quotes instead of double quotes?

Yes, you can use single quotes instead of double quotes to pass a plain string as an argument. Single quotes have the same effect as double quotes, but they are more restrictive in terms of what characters can be used inside the quotes. For example, `echo ‘hello world’` will pass the string “hello world” as a single argument to the `echo` command.

How do I pass a string with special characters as an argument?

If you need to pass a string with special characters, such as spaces or wildcards, as an argument, you can use single quotes or double quotes with escaping. For example, to pass the string “hello* world” as an argument, you can do `echo “hello\* world”` or `echo ‘hello* world’`. This will ensure that the special characters are treated as literal characters rather than being interpreted by the shell.

Can I pass an array of strings as an argument to a command?

Yes, you can pass an array of strings as an argument to a command in a bash script. You can do this by using an array variable and expanding it as separate arguments to the command. For example, `arr=(“hello world” “foo bar”); echo “${arr[@]}”` will pass the strings “hello world” and “foo bar” as separate arguments to the `echo` command.

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