React Native In-App Purchase (Android) Error: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting
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React Native In-App Purchase (Android) Error: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting

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Are you frustrated with the React Native In-App Purchase (IAP) errors on Android? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered issues with implementing IAP in their React Native Android apps. In this article, we’ll dive into the most common errors, their causes, and provide step-by-step solutions to get you back on track.

Understanding React Native In-App Purchase (IAP)

Before we dive into the errors, let’s briefly understand how React Native IAP works on Android. The React Native IAP module uses the Google Play Store’s In-app Billing API to facilitate transactions within your app. The process involves:

  1. Setting up a Google Play Developer account and creating an in-app product
  2. Configuring the React Native IAP module in your app
  3. Handling purchase requests and validation
  4. Consuming or acknowledging the purchased item

Common React Native In-App Purchase (Android) Errors

Now, let’s explore the most common errors developers encounter when implementing React Native IAP on Android:

Error 1: “RPC error: code = 2 desc = Bad Request”

This error occurs when there’s a mismatch between the package name in your AndroidManifest.xml file and the one in your Google Play Developer account.

Solution: Ensure the package name in your AndroidManifest.xml file matches the one in your Google Play Developer account.

<manifest xmlns:android=""

Error 2: “Product not found for sku”

This error occurs when the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) in your app doesn’t match the one in your Google Play Developer account.

Solution: Verify that the SKU in your app matches the one in your Google Play Developer account. Make sure to use the exact same casing and formatting.

const products = await InAppPurchase.getItems(['com.yourcompany.yourapp.product1', 'com.yourcompany.yourapp.product2']);

Error 3: “Invalid purchase token”

This error occurs when the purchase token provided by the Google Play Store is invalid or has expired.

Solution: Handle purchase tokens correctly by validating and consuming them promptly. Use the `validatePurchase` method to verify the purchase token and then consume the item using the `consumePurchase` method.

const purchase = await InAppPurchase.purchaseProduct('com.yourcompany.yourapp.product1');
if (purchase.purchaseToken) {
  const validateResponse = await InAppPurchase.validatePurchase(purchase.purchaseToken);
  if (validateResponse.isValid) {
    await InAppPurchase.consumePurchase(purchase.purchaseToken);
  } else {
    console.error('Invalid purchase token');

Error 4: “IAP not initialized”

This error occurs when the React Native IAP module is not properly initialized.

Solution: Ensure you’ve imported and initialized the React Native IAP module correctly in your app.

import InAppPurchase from 'react-native-billing';

const IAP = new InAppPurchase();

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some additional troubleshooting tips to help you resolve React Native IAP errors on Android:

  • Check the AndroidManifest.xml file**: Ensure the package name, version code, and version name are correct.
  • Verify the Google Play Developer account setup**: Ensure the in-app product is set up correctly, and the package name matches the one in your app.
  • Test on a physical device**: Some IAP errors may occur only on physical devices, so test your app on a real device to ensure it’s working correctly.
  • Check the React Native IAP module version**: Ensure you’re using the latest version of the React Native IAP module.
  • Review the IAP implementation**: Double-check your IAP implementation to ensure it’s correct and follows the official documentation.


Troubleshooting React Native In-App Purchase errors on Android can be frustrating, but with this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the most common issues. Remember to carefully review your IAP implementation, verify your Google Play Developer account setup, and test your app on a physical device. If you’re still experiencing issues, feel free to seek help from the React Native community or Google Play developer support.

Error Solution
RPC error: code = 2 desc = Bad Request Ensure package name in AndroidManifest.xml matches the one in Google Play Developer account
Product not found for sku Verify SKU in app matches the one in Google Play Developer account
Invalid purchase token Handle purchase tokens correctly by validating and consuming them promptly
IAP not initialized Ensure React Native IAP module is imported and initialized correctly

We hope this article has helped you resolve your React Native In-App Purchase errors on Android. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “React Native In App Purchase (Android) error” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to the most common issues with React Native In App Purchase on Android!

Error: “Error: Unable to purchase. Please try again later.”?

This error usually occurs when the Google Play Store app is not installed or updated on the device. Make sure the user has the latest version of the Google Play Store app installed. Also, check if the device is connected to the internet.

How to fix “Error: Invalid json/prices response”?

This error occurs when the pricing information from Google Play Store is not received correctly. Try cleaning up the build and re-running the app. Also, ensure that the Google Play Store API is enabled in the Google Play Console and the package name is correct.

Why am I getting “Error: Item not found”?

This error typically occurs when the item ID is incorrect or the item is not available in the Google Play Store. Double-check that the item ID is correct and available in the Google Play Console. Also, ensure that the item is correctly published and available for purchase.

How to resolve “Error: Purchase failed. Client is not authorized to purchase.”?

This error occurs when the user is not authorized to make purchases. Ensure that the user is signed in to the correct Google account and has granted permission to make purchases. Also, check that the app is correctly configured for In-App Purchases in the Google Play Console.

Why am I getting “Error: Invalid purchase token”?

This error occurs when the purchase token is invalid or expired. Try to retrieve a new purchase token from the Google Play Store and validate it. Also, ensure that the app is correctly handling purchase token validation and verification.

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